My First Mother's Day!

My first Mother's Day was such a fun (and busy) day! Being a mom is the most wonderful gift and I am so thankful everyday for our little blessing!

Started out the day with a sweet orange roll Jake brought me in bed!

My sweet husband also gave me the most beautiful ring! It's Ivy's birthstone! 

I also loved the beautiful flowers from husband and baby! Jake said he picked out this arrangement because he knows I have a basket obsession!

 Mother's Day was also baby dedication day at church! 

I was a little stressed because you never know how a baby will act in front of a crowd, but she did great!

 After church we went out to lunch with my family and Jake's family! Ivy sat in a highchair like a big girl for the first time!

 I absolutely love the Ralph Lauren dress she wore to church! 

 I also have to brag on my dad and husband for working hard in the heat to rip up all the ugly plants from the builder and planting some pretty wave petunias, zinnias, and soft touch shrubs! Our yard is still a work in progress but this helped it look a million times better! So thankful for them!
To top off the day we devoured the cake my in-laws gave me!


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